Thursday, September 30, 2004


Sharad pawar is strong enough to be called super PAWAR and yesterday saw him crashing before another giant,Dalmiya who practically rules BCCI, a behemoth personality in influence who rightly proved his defeating PAWAR without even contesting the election. This man has set a new example of "one man rule" in BCCI, got himself appointed as the first ever patron in chief of BCCI. He has been ostentatiously displaying his power first in allocation of telecast rights and then in these elections....this is not good for Indian cricket and any organisation in general.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

First blog on this page

I blatantly and shamelessly admit this fact that I had registered on many blog-posting sites but I forgot logins to all of them and hence decided to create a new one and the result is before you.
These days are going quite eventful with no work and all leisure. I am very busy sleeping and listening to music, so DO DISTURB as and when you wish.
Today there were two events: one a great show organised by SPICMACAY in IIT kharagpur, do not ask me any more as I did not bother myself to watch something as boring as BHARATNATYAM, not my bit truly. And, the second was a visit to CALCUTTA to hear RAVI SHANKAR organised by AOL and I did not go there either. In short, I am marooing ulti peace.....I hope life to always go this way in peaceeeeeeee. So, peace for all except of course, Mr. Gearge W. Bush.....more about him tomorrow.